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Thor 6 (0.8°W) Transponder A12

Orbital position Satellite Norad .ini News channels Free To Air only Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Last updated
0.8°W Thor 7 40613 38 3 0.62°W -0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2024-07-16 15:49
0.8°W Thor 5 32487 256 55 0.72°W 0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2024-10-05 09:08
0.8°W Thor 6 36033 619 55 0.79°W 0.00° 0.02° N/A N/A 2024-09-26 18:39
0.8°W Intelsat 10-02 28358 81 13 0.96°W 0.00° 0.02° N/A N/A 2024-10-05 09:08

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11 record(s) - Sorted by frequency - Most recent updates: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
0.8°W 11Thor 6 10872.00HA12K1 NordicDVB-S28PSK25000 3/4Telenor, 55.7 Mb/s 7072 KingOfSat charts update form
Nelonen Finlândia Diversos Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
304 1512 3277 fin  392  1512    2024-03-19 +
Jim TV Finlândia Generalista Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
1547 1514 3213 fin  447  1514    2021-05-11 +
Liv Finlândia Estilo de vida Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
4501 1513 3180 fin  442  1513    2021-05-11 +
SkyShowtime 1 HD Suécia Entertainment Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7482 1681 3681 eng  681  1681    2024-04-04 +
SkyShowtime 2 HD Suécia Entertainment Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7491 1680 3680 den
4680 fin
4681 nor
4682 swe 
680  1680    2024-04-04 +
BBC Nordic HD Suécia Generalista Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7493 1243 3248 eng
4002 eng 
573  1243  6001  2024-04-04 +
BBC Nordic HD (Norway) Noruega Generalista Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7495 1112 4010 eng  205  1112  6059  2024-04-04 +
Viasat Explore HD Suécia Documentários Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7507 1535 3365 eng
4009 rus 
565  1535  6175  2024-04-04 +
Viasat History HD Suécia História Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7508 1542 3372 swe
3375 nor
3376 den
3377 eng
4011 rus
4012 tur 
572  1542  6072  2024-04-04 +
Viasat Nature HD Suécia Documentários Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
7509 1547 3337 eng  577  1547  6538  2024-04-04 +
Kuukauden kanava Finlândia Documentários Allente Conax
Nagravision 3
17084 1547 3337 eng  984  1547    2024-09-26 +

Detailed transponder stream properties (10872.00 H)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Last updated
304 1512 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
304 3277 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
1547 1514 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
1547 3213 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
4501 1513 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
4501 3180 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
7482 1681 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
7482 3681 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
7482 6581 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7482 6657 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7482 6658 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7482 6659 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7491 1680 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
7491 3680 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
7491 4680 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
7491 4681 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
7491 4682 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
7491 6696 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7491 6697 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7491 6698 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7491 6699 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7493 1243 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
7493 3248 AC-32 channels 2024-10-06
7493 4002 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
7493 6001 Teletext Subtitle 2024-10-06
7493 6563 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7493 6564 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7493 6565 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7495 1112 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
7495 4010 MPEG Audio 2024-10-06
7495 6059 Teletext Subtitle 2024-10-06
7495 6656 DVB Subtitle 2024-10-06
7507 1535 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
7507 3365 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06
7507 4009 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06
7507 6175 Teletext Subtitle 2024-10-06
7508 1542 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
7508 3372 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06
7508 3375 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06
7508 3376 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06
7508 3377 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06
7508 4011 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06
7508 4012 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06
7508 6072 Teletext Subtitle 2024-10-06
7509 6538 Teletext Subtitle 2024-10-06
17084 1547 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2024-10-06
17084 3337 MPEG Audio, Layer 2 CBR 2024-10-06

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