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Express AM6 (53°E) - HDTV

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53.0°E Express AM6 40277 55 55 52.99°E -0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2024-10-06 14:40

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15 record(s) - Sorted by frequency - Most recent updates: 2024-10-06 14:40 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
53.0°E 1Express AM6 11005.00VB2Ku-Fixed 2DVB-S28PSK2142 5/6Ericsson, 4.2 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Shihab indefinido Diversos SHIHAB Em aberto 1 512 4112 eng  905  951    2024-07-08 +
53.0°E 1Express AM6 11011.00VB2Ku-Fixed 2DVB-SQPSK2200 3/4Ericsson, 3.8 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Channel 8 Kurdish indefinido Diversos HDTV Em aberto 1 33 34 kur  32  33    2024-09-03 +
53.0°E 4Express AM6 11660.00HD7Ku-Fixed 2DVB-S2QPSK10500 1/212.2 Mb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Watan HD Afghanistan Afeganistão Informação Em aberto 1 501 702 afg  1000  501    2024-08-11 +
Zee Cinema Reino Unido Cinema Em aberto 12 5012 7012 hin  1009  5012    2024-08-11 +
Watan Radio indefinido Generalista Em aberto 13 5013 7013  1010  5013    2024-08-11 +
STR News Pashto indefinido Informação Em aberto 14 5014 7014  1012  5014    2024-08-11 +
53.0°E 1Express AM6 12513.00VA2Ku-Fixed 2DVB-S28PSK1815 5/64.5 Mb/s 01 KingOfSat charts update form
Waar TV HD indefinido Diversos khalij Em aberto 1 110 120 kur
100  110    2020-11-29 +
53.0°E 3Express AM6 12594.00VA4Ku-Fixed 2DVB-SQPSK27500 2/333.8 Mb/s 1000500 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Rudaw TV
indefinido Diversos Em aberto 3 2003 3003 eng
4003 eng
5003 eng 
1003  2003    2024-09-10 +
Simaye Azadi HD indefinido Generalista iKOMG Em aberto 15 2015 3015 far
1015  2015    2024-09-14 +
Kurd Channel HD indefinido Generalista IKOMG Em aberto 18 2018 3018  1018  2018    2024-09-12 +
53.0°E 1Express AM6 12642.75VA6Ku-Fixed 2DVB-S28PSK1800 5/6Almasirah, 4.4 Mb/s 655354096 KingOfSat charts update form
Al Masirah TV indefinido Política Almasirah Em aberto 1 308 256 ara
32  8190    2024-03-26 +
53.0°E 1Express AM6 12652.00VA6Ku-Fixed 2DVB-S28PSK3077 3/4Ericsson, 6.9 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
KNN HD Iraque Informação Service Provider Em aberto 1 33 34 kur  32  33    2021-09-13 +
53.0°E 1Express AM6 12655.00VA6Ku-Fixed 2DVB-S28PSK2500 3/45.4 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Al Wasat TV indefinido Diversos Em aberto 6 600 610 ara  37  600    2023-04-06 +
53.0°E 1Express AM6 12659.00VA6Ku-Fixed 2DVB-S28PSK4082 5/610.1 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
MTV Lebanon HD Líbano Generalista Harmonic Em aberto 21 121 221 ara  1021  121    2024-05-31 +
53.0°E 1Express AM6 12679.00VA6Ku-Fixed 2DVB-S28PSK1665 5/6Ericsson, 4.1 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Name Country Category Packages Encryption SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Last updated
Rojava HD indefinido Diversos Service Provider Em aberto 1 33 34 ara  32  33    2020-11-29 +

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